Nordicon – a real estate expert

Nordicon – Our experts.

Erkki Pursiainen

Erkki Pursiainen

CEO, Senior advisor, Economist, Licensed real estate agent

+358 50 595 9715 


Administration, finance, finance, general management and customer and stakeholder relations, project and real estate development, relations with trade chains and logistics companies, sales and rentals, domestic investor-customers, corporate restructuring, Finland.


Marko Koivuneva

Marko Koivuneva

branch manager, engineer, rental business

+358 50 552 4600


Nordicon’s rental business, responsible for the rental of offices in Finland for all real estate development sites and customer-owned real estate sites, as well as connections with customers looking for offices, e.g. to trade chains as well as logistics companies and other operators in different premises sectors.

Arto Merisalo

Arto Merisalo

Director of Real Estate, Senior Advisor, Finland and Business Director, Baltics (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania)

+358 50 5524 602 or whatsapp +358 40 7331 331


Project and real estate development, especially acquisition of real estate development sites and plots in Finland and operational management of real estate business in the Baltics (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania.) Arto’s second workplace is in Nordicon’s office in Tallinn.

Reijo Laakso

Reijo Laakso

Project director, MBA, Investment transactions, Business consulting, M&A operations

+358 400 550 986 or +358 50 552 4603


Designated sites and projects nationwide, background investigations of real estate development sites and plots and acquisition, sales consulting for investor sites and procurement of assignments in Finland. Corporate restructuring, acquisitions, business management and business consulting, Reijo also participates in Baltic (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) business operations.


Rainer Sourander

Rainer Sourander

Project Director, Senior advisor, Licensed real estate agent

+358 44 540 9411


Project and real estate development, customer relations, acquisition of real estate
development sites and plots, leasing, corporate reorganizations, Finland and the Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania), Rainer’s second workplace is located in the parent company’s office in Tallinn.

Mikko Hautala

Mikko Hautala

Management advisor, MSc (Tech), LLM

+358 50 552 4605


Advisor to Nordicon’s management in the administration, finance, strategy and business development and legal sectors, stakeholder relations and participation in real estate business in Finland and the Baltics.




Leading office dog

Visiting- and postal address:

Nordic Icon Group NG Oy
Business Park Kehämylly,
Vantaankoskentie 14,
01670 Vantaa,

Please send paper invoices by post:

Nordic Icon Consulting Oy tai
Nordic Icon Group NG Oy

Business Park Kehämylly,
Vantaankoskentie 14,
01670 Vantaa

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